Laserlab, Inc.

Linear and Rotary Optical Encoders

Laserlab, Inc. is no longer accepting orders.

Laserlab Rotary Optical Encoder Disks

Laserlab Linear Encoder codestrip


Laserlab manufactures optical encoder strips (codestrips) and wheels (codewheels)

Custom and Stock items

We manufacture both custom and stock-item encoder strips and wheels. Our stock parts include 300 LPI (Line Per Inch), 0.007" thick, 0.7" wide codestrips with prepunched mounting holes. These strips provide a resolution of 1,200 steps/inch in quadrature. Popular sizes include 19.5", 25.5", and 38.5" models. We stock these for immediate shipment.

Laserlab, Inc. is not selling encoder strips at this time.

Order stock size encoder strip 3-packs here.

Custom offerings can be designed and fabricated in a few days or weeks, depending on the material, size, and resolution.

Linear codestrips

Linear codestrips are also called encoder scales. These strips are ideal for low-cost linear feedback applications where accurate position feedback is needed. A linear encoder provides direct position feedback and eliminates the position errors that occur when using a rotary encoder linked to a motor with leadscrew.

Rotary codewheels

Rotary codewheels are also called encoder discs or disks. They provide a low-cost way to get feedback in rotary or linear applications when used in conjunction with a lead screw. They are more compact and easier to mount than linear codestrips but only provide indirect feedback in linear applications.



Transparent Polyester

Stainless Steel

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