Laserlab, Inc.

Job Submission Instructions

Laserlab, Inc. is no longer accepting orders.

Sending AutoCAD plotting jobs to Laserlab via email

Please follow these instructions when sending AutoCAD drawings to Laserlab via email for photoplotting.

  1. Put your .dxf or .dwg file(s) in a .zip file. Do not send raw .dwg or .dxf files. This is extremely inefficient and error prone. Do not make a self-extracting zip (.exe) file. We don't accept them due to the potential for virus transfer. If you need a zip/unzip program, you can download WinZip for Microsoft Windows here:

    WinZip Now

  2. Include a file named "readme.txt" in ASCII format inside your zip file. The Windows Notepad text editor works fine. Please use the sample form below. The fields you fill in are indicated by angle brackets like this: <fieldname>. Don't put the readme info in the body of your email message. We discard the email after saving the attached .zip file.
  3. Give the zip file a unique name without embedded spaces or punctuation symbols. It is OK to include '.', '-', and '_'. Each zip file name you send us should be unique, otherwise we may get confused if you use the same name repeatedly. If you are sending a revision to a recent job, add a revision letter or digit to the file name. Long filenames are OK.
  4. Send your .zip file to , then follow up in a few hours with a phone call to make sure we got your job.


If you have any questions or problems, give us a call. Thank you.

Laserlab, Inc. AutoCAD job submission form

Laserlab Job Submission form

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