Laserlab, Inc.

How to order photoplots and photomasks

Laserlab, Inc. is no longer accepting orders.

All photoplot and photomask orders must specify the polarity and image surface orientation desired. Please use the Laserlab, Inc. designations when placing your order. These are found in the first column of the table below.


Phototool Type Designations

Laserlab Designation Image Examples Phototool Polarity Image Surface Purpose
CAD Image Phototool Image Polarity Data Areas Field Areas Orientation Mirrored
PU cad image positive emulsion up Positive Dark Clear Up No silkscreen master; exposure on bottom side of substrate coated with positive-acting resist
PD cad image positive emulsion up Positive Dark Clear Down Yes exposure on top side of substrate coated with positive-acting resist
NU cad image positive emulsion up Negative Clear Dark Up No exposure on bottom side of substrate coated with negative-acting resist
ND cad image positive emulsion up Negative Clear Dark Down Yes exposure on top side of substrate coated with negative-acting resist

Example 1 -- top-side of wafer using positive-acting resist

You have a silicon wafer you are going to pattern with metal twice using a spin-on positive-acting photoresist. The CD (critical dimension) is 20um. This means no lines or spaces are smaller than 20um on the phototool. Very-High-Resolution (8000 DPI or 1/8 mil resolution) is a good choice for this scenario.

Your order form should look something like this:

  Laserlab Photoplot order form:

  file #      file name        plot type        quantity
  ------ -------------------  -----------      ----------
    1     metal1.gbr             VPD               1 
    2     metal2.gbr             VPD               1 

 Note: H = high resolution, V = very high resolution
       N = negative, P = Positive
       U = right reading emulsion up, D = right reading emulsion down

Example 2 -- two-sided subtractively etched PCB

You have a two-sided through-hole PCB you are going to print and etch using the standard subtractive process and want to order one set of working film. High-Resolution (4000 DPI or 1/4 mil resolution) is adequate because your minimum feature size is more than 5 mils. The solder mask is the LPI (Liquid Photo Imageable) type, applied to both sides with the same pattern, and you are going to apply a conventional screen-printed legend to the top side. Negative-working photoresist is typically used for this application.

Your order form should look something like this:

  Laserlab Photoplot order form:

  file #      file name        plot type        quantity
  ------ -------------------  -----------      ----------
    1     trace_top.gbr          HND               1 
    2     trace_bot.gbr          HNU               1 
    3     silk_top.gbr           HPU               1 
    4     smask.gbr              HPD               1 
    4     smask.gbr              HPU               1 

 Note: H = high resolution, V = very high resolution
       N = negative, P = Positive
       U = right reading emulsion up, D = right reading emulsion down

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